Start Your Semester Right... Come Join Us at Wesley
Famous Bible Stories Studies - Sunday 12:30 - 2:00 or Fridays 2:30 - 4:00
Midweek Worship - Is a great way to stay connected with God and Peers
4th Annual Chili Cook Off is coming on February 7th before our Super Bowl Party
Super Bowl Party - February 7th at 6:30 PM
Get better Grades this semester. Make Wesley your study space
Worship with us on a Sunday Morning
Hangout with us Friday Evenings at the Etc. Hot Spot
Join with the many Grad students who are active with us here at Wesley

Join our Mailing List!
Famous Bible Stories Study Friday at 2:30 PM or Sunday at 12:30 PM
Famous Bible Stories Logo

Each week we will be looking at a new story in its historical context and modern issues that it may raise. This class will be offered at two different times each week. Choose which works best for you. Each weeks classes are independent so come when you can. Classes are free and we have bibles you can borrow.

Fridays from 2:30 - 4:00 pm and again
Sundays from 12:30 - 2:00 pm (This class will be include a "lite lunch")

Friday January 21st & Sunday January 23rd - A brief telling of each of the stories.
Friday January 29th & Sunday January 30th - Stories from Genesis
Friday February 5th & Sunday February 7th - Stories from Genesis
Friday February 12th & Sunday February 13th - Moses
NO CLASS Friday February 19th & Sunday February 21st NO CLASS
Friday February 26th & Sunday February 28th - David and Goliath

March schedule to be determined by participants.

Classes will be held in the Etc. Coffeehouse at Wesley and the Student Lounge across the hall.
1203 W. Green Street Urbana

Midweek Student Worship- Every Wednesday at 8:30 PM
Students WorshippingMidweek worship is an informal, student-led worship that provides a spiritual life midway through the week. Time for singing and praying, time for reflection and contemplation and time with God and friends. We start with announcements at 8:30 pm in Watseka Lounge and then move upstairs into the Great Hall for worship.
Chili Cook Off Sunday February 7th
Right before our Super Bowl Party, we will be holding our 4th annual Chili Cook Off. Bring your best chili and "fixings" and then we will officially determine who the best chili cook in the area is. The grand prize will be a $50 gift Certificate to Chili's Restaurant.
Super Bowl Party Sunday Feb 7th 6:30 PM
LogoThe biggest sports event in America, the Super Bowl determines who is the best football team "in the world." (We're talking American football not soccer!)

For persons who want to learn, we will be teaching you how to play and watch football (touch football that is). We will also be giving away a football as a "door prize."

We'll have a giant projection screen set up in our lounge.

We ask you to either bring chili for the cook off (preceding the game) or a snack to share during the game.

Boost Grades- Study at Wesley
Paper StarThe secret to good grades?


The secret to studying?

Finding the right place and spending a lot of time there.

Our Wesley Foundation has numerous area's throughout our building that are great. Well lit. Quiet. Not too quiet. Snacks. Drinks. Wireless Internet.

And best of all, it's FREE.

Wander in today and explore to see if there is a good space to have a great end of the semester.

During many hours we also have a pot of coffee on in the Etc. Coffeehouse.
Worship with us on a Sunday Morning
Wesley Contemporary
Sundays at 9:30am,

Traditional Service

A wonderful worship experience grounded in our historic traditions. Trumpets, organ, choir, formal liturgy and meaningful sermons help shape this service. Students actively participate in all areas of this worship service.

Sundays at 11:15am,
Contemporary Worship
Enagaing music, message, guitars, drums, keyboard, and praise singers help set the stage for this wonderfully spirit filled informal service

Sun 1:00pm

Korean Language Worship
by Jesus Love United Methodist Church
Worship Leadership Opportunities

Friday Evening "Hot Spot" Coffeehouse
EtcLooking for a place to hangout on a Friday night? Join us for fair-trade coffee and tea, snacks, live entertainment, pool, TV and fun. We're really excited about kicking off this new time in our old coffeehouse.

Everyone is welcome to come by for a few minutes or until we close at Midnight.

Grad Students at Wesley
We have Graduate Students active in many activities throughout Wesley. Some places you might connect include:

Grad Tuesdays
A number of graduate students gather most Friday nights in the Wesley Student Lounge to study and discuss a book together. For the latest details check out their blog

Grad Students Helping Wesley Evening Food Pantry
We have hundreds of Grad Students who help out with our Food Pantry on the 3rd Thursday of the Month. Contact Adam for ways you can become involved or simply sign up online at:

Grad Students in worship
Greet the person in the pew next you. They may be a grad student visiting Wesley for the first time.

International Grad Students
Our Friday evening International Coffeehouse has a number of Grad students and visiting professors.

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