Sign-Up for Daily Lenten Devotionals!

Journey with Jesus

Lay and clergy members of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference are contributing Lenten Devotions for an e-mail devotional guide entitled, On the Journey With Jesus. This original devotional will be available to all members and friends of Wesley Church via email, on the IGRC website and the IGRC Facebook page each morning from Ash Wednesday, March 9th through Easter, April 24th.

Each day's devotional reading will include a scripture, a brief and original reflection and a prayer. A variety of writers, witnesses, ideas and experiences will be shared as inspiration, as we "feed" one another's spirits, day by day.

Ways to join the journey

Wesley members and friends may subscribe to the daily devotional by visiting the IGRC E-Newsletter subscription page. " You will be prompted to enter your email address. Make sure that "On the Journey with Jesus 2011 Lenten Devotional" is checked in order to receive it.

Persons who want to read the Daily Devotional online, may do so by visiting: beginning March 9th. The day's devotional will always be at the top. A link will also be provided on a new Facebook group, " On the Journey with Jesus Lenten Devotional" Members of the group will be automatically notified when the new devotional is posted.

We hope you will put your feet on Jesus's road this Lent, and join us on the journey.

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