This Week at Wesley

In this week's email...
Green service project this Saturday
Relay for Life this weekend
Save the date for our Senior banquet
Student Forum registration deadline approaching
Upcoming Events

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Peer Minister Office Hours

The Wesley Peer Ministers will do their best to hold these office hours every week in the Etc. Coffeehouse or in the PM Office:
Dylan Boot, Campus Ministry Intern - Tuesday 1-3pm, Friday 10-noon
Jarod Spohrer - Tuesday 9-11am, Friday 6-7pm
Hannah Nelson - Sunday 7-8pm

Brooke McClure - Monday 12-1pm, Thursday 11am-1pm
John Powers - by request
Renee Schroeder - Thursday 12-2pm
Erin Heath - by request

Green Service Project this Saturday!

As it turns to spring, we will be doing a green service project through Faith in Place on Saturday, April 16th from 1-2:30 in the afternoon. We will be moving dirt into planters and potentially planting some plants at the Center for Women in Transition. Come get dirty! Bring gloves, shovels, and garden tools if you have them.

We will be meeting at Wesley at 1pm.

Relay for Life is this weekend

Relay for Life will be this Saturday night at 7 to 7 o'clock Sunday morning. You still have time to sign up here. Even if you don't sign up, you can still walk and hang out with us! There will be pizza at midnight. The event will be held at the outdoor track or in the Armory if the weather is bad.

If you are interested in stopping by, email the team captain, Hannah Nelson, at and she can give you more information about the event and the final location.

Senior Banquet--Save the Date!


On May 1st we will be having our annual Senior Banquet to celebrate and say goodbye to the students that will be leaving at the end of this semester.

Save the Date!

Student Forum Registration Deadline Approaching


Student Forum this year will be held at the University of Evansville in southern Indiana from May 26th to the 29th. Student Forum is the national leadership conference of the United Methodist Student Movement, including leadership training, spiritual formation, and networking.

Registration is open to all young adult college and university students. The registration fee is $75 per person, which includes all conference materials, lodging, and meals. For more information or to register, click here.

If you have any questions or are interested in going, reply to this email or talk to Dylan. Wesley may be able to cover part of the registration fee.

The registration deadline is April 22 at midnight. Late registration will be open until the 29th with an extra $25 late fee.

Weekly Services
9:30 am -- Traditional Worship Service
11:15 am -- Contemporary Worship Service

8:30 pm -- Midweek, student led service, in Watseka Lounge
Upcoming Events


16 - Green Service Project

16-17 - Relay for Life

24 - Easter

30 - Illinois Marathon


1 - Senior Banquet

5 - Reading Day

6-13 - Final Exams


1-4 - Annual Conference

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