This Week at Wesley

In this week's email...
Haunted House Information and Sign-up
Mission Trip Deposit due November 3rd
Mission Trip Fundraiser
Street Level Doppler at Wesley tomorrow!
Upcoming Events

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Peer Minister Office Hours
The Wesley Peer Ministers will do their best to hold these office hours every week in the Etc. Coffeehouse or in the PM Office:
Dylan Boot, Campus Ministry Intern - Tuesday 1-3pm, Friday 10-noon
Jarod Spohrer - Tuesday 9-11am, Friday 12-3pm
Hannah Nelson - Sunday 7-8pm, Wednesday 4-5pm
Brooke McClure - Tuesday 10-11am, Thursday 10-11am
John Powers - by request
Renee Schroeder - by request
Erin Heath - by request

Haunted House is coming soon!

Volunteers needed!

Last year it took almost 200 people to make the biggest student run haunted house, which raised over $3,000 for the Wesley Evening Food Pantry that feeds over 900 families every month.

We are looking for more volunteers this year. There are many different ways to help including being a zombie, helping with make-up, working the ticket booth, and many more.

Groups are more than welcome to help. It's a great way to get service hours or just to hang out and have fun.

If you would like more information, contact Jarod Spohrer at If you would like to sign up to volunteer, simply click here.

The regular meeting this Friday has been pushed back to 8:30 in Etc. Coffeehouse. There will still be a meeting this Sunday at 12:30 with a light lunch. There will be a build afternoon starting at 2 Sunday afternoon.

Build nights will be October 25, 26, and 27 starting at 5pm.

We will probably be showing a scary movie in our theater one of the build nights for a fun break from all the hard work.

The Haunted House will be the nights of the 29, 30, and 31st of October (Friday-Sunday), with a rehearsal night on Thursday the 28th. If you are interested in being an actor, you must be at the rehearsal or be at the haunted house the night before you start in order to be trained.

If you have old clothes you would like to donate to the haunted house for our zombies, bring them to the main office. There should be a collection box for zombie clothes.

Mission Trip Deposit Due November 3rd

Map of ThailandThe deadline to register for the mission trip and turn in the $500 deposit is Wednesday, November 3rd.

We will be taking our mission trip to Nonthaburi, Thailand the first couple weeks in January. We will be organizing and running a VBS program for orphans with disabilities. Visit to learn more about the Rainbow Orphanage where we will be staying.

The estimated cost of the trip is between $2600 and $3000. We will be doing a lot of fundrasing to hopefully pay about half of that cost.

Passport Information

If you are interested and you do not currently have a valid passport, you should get one! It will take a couple of months to process the application, so you should apply sooner rather than later. Passports are good for ten years, so even if you don't end up going, it may come in handy later on.

Click here to be directed to the first time applicants section of the U.S. Department of State website. If you want a hard copy of the application, reply to this email and we can get you one.

Volunteer Fundraising Opportunity

Are you thinking about going on the mission trip to Thailand?

Do you want to help those who are going?

If so, we have a volunteer opportunity for you! We will be selling concessions during the last two home Illini football games on October 30 and November 13. We will get a percentage of the profit as a group, and you get to keep all of your tips!

If you are interested in helping, just reply to this email or talk to Dylan.

Street Level Doppler coming to Etc. Coffeehouse!

Street Level Doppler is an acoustic band based in Central Illinois. Their first release, a 5-track EP called "Taking Some Time," features special guests Andy Osenga (bass on "Heading West") and Larry Park (guitar solo on "Not Content to Be Unhappy"). Eric Heisig of The Daily Illini says the album is "breezy yet not sappy, and the melodies are strong and rooted in the best pop out there."

They will be playing at Hot Spot tomorrow from 8:30 to 10:30 in the Etc. Coffeehouse. We hope you see you there!

Weekly Services
9:30 am -- Traditional Worship Service
11:15 am -- Contemporary Worship Service

8:30 pm -- Midweek, student led service, in Watseka Lounge
Upcoming Events


23 - Volunteer Fundraiser at Homecoming Football Game

29, 30, 31 - Haunted House

6 - Football Pizza Party at Wesley


Mission Trip to Nonthaburi, Thailand

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